Tag Archives: Teaching

Zippy Applehead Books

I am pleased to announce http://zippyappleheadbooks.com is now live. Please take a moment to view the site. Very shortly I will post other information on my books and will be blogging from this site also — mainly for kids.

Librarians, authors, adults, teens, and children from all over the globe will celebrate the power of words and stories during the annual World Read Aloud Day on Wednesday, March 9.

Remember 10daybookclub.com from 3/1-3/21 to sign up and review Giggly Gracie & Jammin’ Jane. It is free. The story of Giggly Gracie & Jammin’ Jane  is written in rhyme and verse with an 1800 word count and appeals to the 1st – 3rd grade age range. I would love for parents, teachers and children to all take an opportunity to read this story. Maybe even a classroom assignment for older students? Just a thought — they could sign up, read the book and give feedback. I would love to hear from the students. Thanks to all and don’t forget:

It’s a great day in the Wonderful World of Zippy AppleHead!


Live Life to the Fullest and Follow Your Dreams — no matter what age!!!!!

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”

— Emilie Buchwald

…SHOT down Twice…

Two years ago I applied for the financial position at our local technical center. The former finance director had done some pretty hefty embezzling and my dream job was now open. After all I had top-of-the-line skills and experience~~business, human resources, finances, and the school system. I went ready for my interview with a beautiful laid out information package with my cover letter, resume, references, accomplishments and top notch recommendations. A second interview left me with the genuine belief I would be getting the job. The call came from the principal telling me I was the number 2 pick ~~ not exactly a self-esteem booster but never-the-less I was in the top two.

After two years this particular position came available again. This time the principal advised my husband who is a teacher at the center that as far as he was concerned the job was mine. He explained he would have to advertise and go through the normal routine of interviewing but it was mine for the taking.

Again I went very well prepared. I didn’t just sluff through because I knew the job was mine. I thoroughly prepared to earn the right to this position. I had my cover letter, impressive list of recommendations (different from the last time) and in-depth details of my accomplishments over the last two years.I still had all the previous experience the position called for but now I was even payroll trained.

The panel interview didn’t frighten me as I am used to that type of interviewing. I was not stumped on any of the questions and was told afterwards my interview was very impressive and I interviewed exceptionally well.

Yesterday morning I got the call. The principal who advised me the job was mine for the taking was on the other end telling me I didn’t get the job. Shocked and amazed that someone of that caliber had little to no integrity in my opinion was devastating at best. I called him back to question what went wrong on the interviews. Nothing he explained advising my interview was superb and I was right up there with the best. He couldn’t pinpoint one single reason why I didn’t get the job. In fact I took him off guard with my call.

Now let me tell you I am a “come here” not a “born here”. I live in a community that I love but also one that runs by the old adage “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” and one where it’s all in who you know not what you know. Nevertheless I love my job where I am and for whatever reason God obviously didn’t want me in this particular position.

But let me tell you…getting shot down twice for the same  job isn’t fun at all. Especially when I was number 2 the first time and the head honcho tells you ahead of time the job is yours. Politics are corrupt at any level. It is not just Washington!

Live Life to the Fullest and Follow Your Dreams

To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.  ~Confucius


 see you soon…

SNAP…Crackle…POP!!! ~~YOUR gracious Federal Government give-away programs….

SNAP, CRACKLE, POP! How many of you are familiar with the Food Stamp entitlement program? It is a federally funded government program monitored (NOT!) and run by state. It is a joke!  Now don’t get me wrong…I am not against entitlement programs if monitored properly and the entitlements are provided to the people who truly are in need of the benefit. Not the folks that have figured out a way to steal from society. Like the local drug dealers. No income to report but have that ever-present food stamp card.

Let’s talk about the Virginia SNAP program. A true thorn in my side. Working full-time as a financial secretary I find myself moonlighting at a second job part-time on weekends. It’s called-when-the-first-job-doesn’t- pay-enough-a-second-job-is-needed. And by God my 2 jobs contribute highly to the SNAP program in my taxes.

 Now yesterday a young woman came bouncing into the store with a gaggle of friends. After ordering 8 cold sandwiches (yes cold deli sandwiches are food stamp eligible) she proceeded to the counter with 12 bags of chips, 6 large bottles of soda pop, ice cream, candy and gum. Her total junk sales on her SNAP card was $32 and some change. Now let’s not forget. Once a person has purchased all the junk food they could ever possibly want on Uncle Sam’s dime they can then spend the $100 bill in their pocket on beer, wine. cigarettes, rolling paper, individual sandwich bags to bag their dope, cigars,and snuff. And by gosh they do every time.

To add insult to in jury they use each other’s cards and/or they will take cash money from fellow customers and pay for their items on the food stamp card. Wrong again…yes…..

Now my father who worked the 1st half of his life in regular type jobs and the second half of his career in the ministry gets about $1100 in social security. He is food stamp eligible for $16.00 per month. (WA-HOO) Now I tell you it cost him more than $16.00 in gas to spend his whopping SNAP allowance.  But the 19-year-old kid who just graduated high school last year has a $300 monthly allowance………what’s wrong with this picture????????

I have notified the Governor, Senator, Delegates, House of Representatives, Local Departments and yes, even the President, twice. In fact, I have hollered, screamed and fussed so loud I was denied a White House tour with my grandchildren last summer. Coincidence??? I think not.

It would take millions of dollars to overhaul this program but in the short run we are losing  gazillions of money on SNAP fraud. Now mind you I didn’t just complain, I offered resolutions.

No food stamps at convenience stores. The prices are higher.

No purchase of alcohol or tobacco products immediately after using a food stamp card. Let’s make it a triffling inconveient for the generous gift of the government.

No food stamp purchase within 48 hours of the previous purchase.

No junk food. Two of those 8 sandwiches were $5 worth of peanut butter and jelly. HELLO  buy a loaf of bread, some peanut butter and jelly and make several sandwiches.

I think the food stamp recipient should be able to purchase toilet paper, paper towels, toiletries and laundry stuff.

Get the name and picture of the recipient on the card. Make them show ID at check out.

Do random drug testing. RANDOM DRUG TESTING…..

No 5 hour energy drinks, no energy drinks of any kind. No squid. That’s right….the bait box of squid has a recipe on the back. Food Stamp eligible! 

Oh and one last idea….no advertising your SNAP card on Craigslist!

I leave you with this. A SNAP picture worth a thousand words…..


see you soon…