Category Archives: Short Stories

Love Lifted Me

Wednesday, March 7th I celebrated my 20th anniversary with  my beloved Steve. He came into my life after a bitter divorce left me with two teenage girls who suffered emotional trauma from the separation. The girls were thirteen and fifteen and well on their way to being thirty. Although they adored Steve I am not so sure they were eager for the marriage.

The next several years were a long hard struggle. As the girls weaved in and out of their own frustrations in life, growing pains, and identity crisis’ we began to grow together as a family. And a great family at that. The glue that kept us together became fabricated through the hands of the Lord. We attended church every Sunday. Steve and I taught Sunday School and the girls were active in the youth group. Both girls accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior at the age of seventeen. That is another story in itself as Satan desperately tried to intercept this great moment in our lives. God prevailed though.

Twenty years later we are stronger than ever. On Saturday my wonderful husband surprised me not once but twice. He got us tickets to see the Broadway play Lion King. It was phenomenal. Before departing for the theatre he took me to the church and we renewed our vows. Another surprise he cooked up without my knowledge. Blessings have bestowed me from all around. Love is so precious. Especially when it rains down from God!

Live Life to th Fullest and Follow Your Dreams!

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; It is not self-seeking, nor easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongdoing. It does not delight in evil, But rejoices in the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves. There is nothing love cannot face; There is no limit to its faith, hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: Faith, hope, and love; But the greatest of them all is love.
~1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Zippy Applehead Books

I am pleased to announce is now live. Please take a moment to view the site. Very shortly I will post other information on my books and will be blogging from this site also — mainly for kids.

Librarians, authors, adults, teens, and children from all over the globe will celebrate the power of words and stories during the annual World Read Aloud Day on Wednesday, March 9.

Remember from 3/1-3/21 to sign up and review Giggly Gracie & Jammin’ Jane. It is free. The story of Giggly Gracie & Jammin’ Jane  is written in rhyme and verse with an 1800 word count and appeals to the 1st – 3rd grade age range. I would love for parents, teachers and children to all take an opportunity to read this story. Maybe even a classroom assignment for older students? Just a thought — they could sign up, read the book and give feedback. I would love to hear from the students. Thanks to all and don’t forget:

It’s a great day in the Wonderful World of Zippy AppleHead!


Live Life to the Fullest and Follow Your Dreams — no matter what age!!!!!

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”

— Emilie Buchwald

—just me, my honey and my puppy…

Yesterday was the epitome of FUN! My husband, puppy and I decided to jump in the van and take a day long road trip. Fourteen hours to be exact. We bought a new canon camera in March and are trying to get our photos noticed in the Canon sponsored Project Imagin8ion contest. So out for a photoshoot we went.

For almost twenty years my better half and I have had a variety of individual hobbies. We have each tried to get the other involved with those interests to no avail. My husband is into woodworking, guitars and music, and now enrolled through the University of Phoenix. I, however love dancing, writing, and reading celebrity gossip magazines. But now we have our new Canon T2i camera and a new hobby for two + puppy.

We left at 9:30AM and our first stop was graduation for 3 lovely young women at our church. Out came the T2i as Steve snapped several photos’ during the ceremony and reception. Then we picked up our Annie girl from my sisters and headed out across Interstate 64 in Virginia not knowing where we were going or what we would find to photograph along the way

We found plenty of dusty roads and the van is filthy. We found railroad tracks with a tiny old post office building, the Walton Mountain Museum, Afton Mountain Scenic overpass as well as brooks, streams, creeks, a log cabin building and several old barns.  

We stopped in Charlottesville at a Mexican restaurant with outdoor seating and puppy was able to sit with us. We met a great couple seated next to us and some adorable kids from Hampton who fell in love with Annie. We stopped for ice cream at Bruesters and they gave Annie a free puppy sundae with a dog biscuit on top.

Now let me tell you my puppy is pretty darn spoiled. She has a dog bed we carry on the lap so she can rest comfortably up front with the passenger. She gets to get out at each stop to stretch her legs, has plenty of drinking water and gets treats along the way. It is a great dogs life for Annie.

It was an old fashion quality day. No idea where the day would take us and what we would find. We left with a tank of gas, the camera and an idea. We found a genuine love along the way for a new hobby we can now both enjoy together.

Just me, my honey and my puppy!

Live Life to the Fullest and Follow Your Dreams

see you soon…

Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.~ Dale Carnegie