Tag Archives: Children

Zippy Applehead Books

I am pleased to announce http://zippyappleheadbooks.com is now live. Please take a moment to view the site. Very shortly I will post other information on my books and will be blogging from this site also — mainly for kids.

Librarians, authors, adults, teens, and children from all over the globe will celebrate the power of words and stories during the annual World Read Aloud Day on Wednesday, March 9.

Remember 10daybookclub.com from 3/1-3/21 to sign up and review Giggly Gracie & Jammin’ Jane. It is free. The story of Giggly Gracie & Jammin’ Jane  is written in rhyme and verse with an 1800 word count and appeals to the 1st – 3rd grade age range. I would love for parents, teachers and children to all take an opportunity to read this story. Maybe even a classroom assignment for older students? Just a thought — they could sign up, read the book and give feedback. I would love to hear from the students. Thanks to all and don’t forget:

It’s a great day in the Wonderful World of Zippy AppleHead!


Live Life to the Fullest and Follow Your Dreams — no matter what age!!!!!

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”

— Emilie Buchwald

Is that Golytely for Easter Dinner???

Traditionally our family’s  gathering on Easter Sunday embraces worship of our Lord’s Resurrection, preparing and partaking in a long-established meal of ham and potatoes while just enjoying the few hours we get to spend in harmony. It is a special time of year we celebrate together in honor of our Lord and Savior while stealing a few precious hours of fellowship with our children and relatives.  It is without a doubt one of those special moments in time when memories are made.

Easter brought about a different venue for our rally this year. One that did not include the usual Easter dinner or hanging in the front room relishing in our  kindred’s many adventures. Although we managed our Sunday worship as always, the lightness of the afternoon quickly turned into a Golytely laxative  brew consisting of an atrociously powerful concoction that is just plain nasty.

Now what was I thinking that March afternoon while sitting in the doctor’s office? He advised we would do both a colonoscopy and an endoscopy on the same trip,  so pick a day. Viewing a mental calendar I recall asking for the first Monday of the last week of April since the school would be on spring break. Turns out this date was perfect for the doc since he would be enjoying some much-needed vacation time. It also turns out this was the day after Easter.

Instead of coveting my Easter dinner I was busy preparing for my two medical procedures. I initiated this dreadful drink about 1PM. According to the directions an 8 oz  glass of this savoring potion needed to occur every ten minutes. There was a total of 4 liters or nearly an entire gallon of joy. Now if you need a nice quick gag reflux this is definitely the compound for you. Nevertheless I managed to down all but 16 ounces. I just couldn’t force the last bit. It is definitely a process that will wash you out but genuinely one that is worth it in the end.

My procedures went as expected. A little demerol to create relaxation and ease the pain brought about a mere thirty minutes for the two manuevers. Waking to good news was even better and well worth the time and effort for the prep.  With the doctors instructions I will not have to repeat the colonoscopy for another 10 years but only have a two-year reprieve on the endoscopy due to the presence of Barrett’s Esophagus.

No signs or symptoms are associated with Barrett’s Esophagus, but it is commonly found in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). A small number of people with Barrett’s esophagus develop a rare but often deadly type of cancer of the esophagus.

So I leave you with this. Take heed. Know your body and know it inside and out. If something doesn’t feel right get a doctor’s opinion. If that assessment doesn’t feel right get another one. Speaking to my doctor about my continuous acid reflux may have just saved my life. After-all, I am not finished making memories. Are you?

Easter dinner or Golytely? Golytely for sure!

Live life to its fullest and follow your dreams

see you soon…

Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy.  ~Author Unknown